Here's a quick list of actual examples of what NOT to put on your resume when applying for a job thanks to
* Candidate put God down as a reference (no phone number).
* Candidate explained a gap in employment by saying it was because he was getting over the death of his cat for three months.
* Candidate claimed to be a direct descendant of the Vikings.
* Candidate’s email address had “lovesbeer” in it.
I have not posted in the longest time... lots has happened and I'm going to stick with bullet points so I don't have to worry about fluency and my brain can be dumped.
- I don't really like Jake anymore at all. But the sad thing is is that we aren't really even friends anymore. We don't ever talk and he doesn't really sit at our lunch table for very long. He leaves early with Jon. Jon has stopped talking to me altogether for reasons unknown. It's been about 3 or 4 weeks since he decided to stop acknowledging my existence and it's really weird. We went from talking ALL the time to now he won't even look at me or say hi back when I say hi to him. Nick and I don't really talk either since he unloaded on me. And the sad thing is that I was so excited to be friends with all of them and I worked really hard for over half the year and I lost it all in a short couple of weeks. I woke up from my nap today and I just felt really sad about it.

I have decided to take a break year in between highschool and college. I want to go and stay with my aunt and uncle in Utah so I can get in state tuition for University of Utah and earn money for college and possibly other things ;) I will be able to drive and hopefully get my own car and a job. I still have to talk it over with my parents (which will not be happening for a while) and then my aunt and uncle.
- I wrote you a letter during class the other day but it was so ugly it got deep 6'd. My handwriting, if not decorative, has been deteriorating. One of the most important things to tell you was if you wanted to set a goal date to go for coffee. How's the friday after spring break. I don't get back from Hawaii till 6 am on wednesday the week back. Cutter's point is really good, so is starbucks. Let me know what works :)
- This past weekend there was a youth conference I went to at Faith Baptist called Ignition. It was extremely fun and even though I don't really agree with all their doctrine I still really loved it. Hanging out with Heather and all the bible study friends was great.
- Speaking of hanging out with Heather, last Wednesday Ms.Lloyd was not here (her sister died) and we had Mama G as our sub. There was also a multi school band competitiong in the PAC so in stage tech we had nothing to do but sit and wait with all the band geeks in the lobby. It was a gorgeous sunny day and we weren't doing anything and being stuck inside was driving us crazy. All of the sudden Heather said "Let's leave." And I was all for it so we picked up our back packs and walked out the front door of the lobby just after attendence was taken so we weren't even missed. We walked to her house over by Mattson because she doesn't usually drive her car to school because she lives so close. Then we hopped in her car and got gas and then went over to Cutter's Point for coffee/frappuccinos and it was so much fun! Obviously we are a tad nerdy and goody goody because we couldn't get over the fact that we were so rebel for skipping school. It was nice to get out because at that time I was grounded. I texted my mom telling her that Heather was going to give me a ride home from school. I still haven't told her and I don't think I will for a long time. I think that highschool is the time to have some safe fun and being "sneaky" (not really that sneaky seeing as that was the first time I had ever legitimately skipped school and I've never snuck out of the house.) It was good. And I didn't get in trouble at all :)
- I am starting to compile my Spring and Summer music collections. In sewing we have a class "DJ" for the days we sew. This kid named Tanner got to pick the music the other day and he typed in Matt and Kim into pandora and all the music was uber wonderful! My favorite is something good can work by Two Door Cinema Club. Florence and the Machine is good as well as Phoenix and Mumford and Sons and Matt and Kim.
- This summer we should take a trip into seattle via train!
Lent began March 9th. I don't even know if I have officially told you yet but I decided to give up chocolate for the 40 days. It has been going pretty good. At first I started having dreams where I would start eating chocolate and then halfway through chewing remember that it was taboo and I would spit it out. Even my Psyche is all for this sacrifice :)
- Recently I got on a documentary kick. I watched one on Meth, North Korea, "War Made Easy", Stress, Steroids, The science behind Evil, one on M13 the gang. I cannot think of anymore at the moment. I did find the one you were talking about last time, "The Corporate Side of Birthing" and am going to watch it after I finish this post. I'll tell you all about it :)
- Stephanie Bush's Dad died today. It was really sad and I think that this will be my first funeral.
- I am going to try to post everyday from Hawaii, so sorry in advance for the mini monopolation... well, that's only if you don't post in between which you should do.
Well I do believe that is all. I hope you have a great rest of your week and I hope to hear from you soon!
Lot's o love (Soon to be from Hawaii)