To ponder thoughts of many kind
That weigh me down like heavy tomes
Inside this thing I call my mind
With crazy thoughts that bounce around
I’d say it’s like a circus tent
So many things that can’t be found
Still packed away for the next event
The clowns I know are scary thoughts
Laughter, though they try to win
Beneath those masks they’re so distraught
Tiny cars they all fit in
My minds is like a highway too
The traffic changing day to day
With rapid thinkings going through
None can find the time to stay
My anger turns to road rage
Yelling constant words of scorn
This car has turned into a cage
And all around’s a blaring horn
My mind is like a music band
Creations of a lovely kind
All produced from my own hand
Within this thing I call my mind
The saxophone is what I choose
Sweet music sounds and it can be
Anything like jazz or blues
This is creativity
But lingering near I fear’s the block
That hides until you need it least
When time is running from the clock
It dines on your creative feast
He is my mind, I do agree
This loathsome, ugly, cruel big creature
Sometimes he is all I can see
That eats up my creative features
To say the least, my mind’s a feast
With flavors I’ve yet to explore
With cravings roaring like a beast
Somehow I need to fit in more
These cravings become my desires
Unlike real life I’m never full
I’m always always pressing higher
Making real life never dull
My mind is like the endless sky
Stretching far as the eye can see
With no limits I’ll reach so high
Going for eternity
My mind is space, the galaxy
Beautiful without a sound
Stars appear occasionally
Until of course I hit the ground
My thoughts and mind back in my head
Words and memories bounce around
As I lay here in my bed
All these things I try to find
To describe what all that fits
Inside this thing I call my mind.
Love always,