Do you ever have moments where thoughts or emotions overcome you? Like seeing a gorgeous sunrise in first period and, for a second, being totally immersed in the moment and what you see? Sometimes I have moments like that. Today I had one. I all of the sudden have gotten very much into other human beings. I love everyone and it is so much fun! It makes me happy to love other people. Not the romantic love, but loving them for being human and alive and having thoughts and opinons and breathing air.

My moment was today towards the end of rehearsal. Jake came in late because he took a nap after school and slept through the alarm. He didn't join in on the stage combat lesson (he doesn't want to fight anywyays.) So he stayed for about an hour and we just talked and he followed me around helping with some menial work Lloyd needed done. He was very genuine and happy and friendly. There was one point when we were talking and he said something about his dad wanting to sell realestate and he laughed and I looked up at him and he was ridiculously beautiful for those few moments and I was amazed at how beautiful he was.
I know that sounds wacky tacky but that's okay. I like observing people and finding beauty in them. That sounds tacky and all romantic too but that's okay.
The play is going awesome! I am loving every single second of assistant directing. I love being needed and I love helping people and having all the answers. I love making new friends and sharing inside jokes with everyone.
Thanks for the hug yesterday OOO!
So I had a really bad day yesterday (for absolutly NO reason) and I got in the car after rehearsal and cried home. I changed into my pajamas and about 20 minutes later, my dad comes in and askes if I want to talk about it. I said no, and he said that he's always here if I ever change my mind and that he loves me. Then he left. About 15 minutes later he comes back in and askes me if I want to play HALO REACH with him and the fact that that was what he was offering melted my heart and I played with him for 2 hours. I just thought that that was the sweetest thing. His way of showing that he cares in the way that he knows how... Pretty much my dad is the best one EVER
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