So today, Jessica and I began the day discussing my last post, my last night, and the day to come. I decided that, although I didn't feel like today would be a fantastic day, I would face it with the most positive attitude I could manage. Apparently, some force decided to challenge that concept, and my day from there began to tear at the seams. Nothing incredibly bad, but I had woken up with a terribly sore throat, which I thought was my cold resurfacing for a moment. As the day went on, my body felt like death-- my muscles ached like crazy all over (even my mouth muscles!) and my skin became extremely sensitive, and I got hot and cold *que Katy Perry song* quickly. I went home by 5th period, making myself stay till art so I could see what I needed to do for that class. It seems I have come down with the Flu.

After that my day became a typical sick-day day. I slept, and got a nice warm heating pad, drank water, and laid in bed watching TV. I'm hoping it's only a 24 hour thing and I'll be good as new tomorrow, if not, well, it at least gives me time to do homework! Anyways, now to the better story!
Long long ago (a.k.a. last summer) my dear friend Lindsey and I went on a walk at my dads on this trail that leads through a forest. The trail winds down the hill I live on and behind all of the houses all the way down to the park. As we walked down the trail suddenly we heard a magnificent voice singing, accompanied by an acoustic guitar; it was a real person, known only because he, yes he, would sometimes stop, correct a wrong chord and continue on. They sounded something like Jack Johnson in teenage form.

When I got home I ran to my stepmom, relaying the story and, since I knew which house it was, she was able to tell who it was. A boy that used to go to their bus stop when he was younger. She said she'd seen him before, but briefly and only the back of his head. Supposedly, he has lovely blonde hair.
That was all I knew for quite some time, until just the other day. I got to my dads house and my stepbrother began talking about a girl in his science class. Janice came quickly in saying for Garrett to not talk about it until she got back from picking up pizza. Immediately I squealed and said "Garrett, oh my goodness, do you have a girlfriend???" Seeing as he didn't deny it, I proceeded to tease him, as a sister's job deems necessary. He confessed later that no, he likes another girl more (a story which I intend to keep discussing with him, cause, that's exciting news!)
Once Janice got back she revealed that the story, in fact, had to do with me. It turns out that girl in his class, was mystery-singing-guy's little sister!!! After I decided that I would marry this guy, I decided I should probably do some covert spying first. I need to find a first name, for starters (but now I know a last) and find out what this guy looks like. Until then, who knows, he could like this: