Fact: according to various business’ (none of which my mind will allow me to remember) there are only 4 categories of teens influencers, conformers, passives, and edges…and I can’t seem to figure out which one I fit into! Can you figure out where you are?
To answer your question, I couldn’t enjoy your scrumptious cake due to a very bruised jaw. The day before I had gotten my very first cavity filled and the needle left a very painful bruise there; I couldn’t even open my mouth! Thus, the cancellation of that wonderful meal with you. I have to tell you, that cake looks amazing! The candles too! (and yes, we will definitely be using that platter for my mom’s birthday)
On a change of subject I’m terribly upset. After spending a good part of my day looking for my camera, and an even better part looking for my camera charger, I came up short with only a camera with no battery. Since I want to litter my posts with pictures too, I’ll tell you about an event that was photographed by another camera.
This Sunday I went to the zoo, which is not only a fun place to see animals but a fun place to be an animal yourself!
To answer your question, I couldn’t enjoy your scrumptious cake due to a very bruised jaw. The day before I had gotten my very first cavity filled and the needle left a very painful bruise there; I couldn’t even open my mouth! Thus, the cancellation of that wonderful meal with you. I have to tell you, that cake looks amazing! The candles too! (and yes, we will definitely be using that platter for my mom’s birthday)
On a change of subject I’m terribly upset. After spending a good part of my day looking for my camera, and an even better part looking for my camera charger, I came up short with only a camera with no battery. Since I want to litter my posts with pictures too, I’ll tell you about an event that was photographed by another camera.
This Sunday I went to the zoo, which is not only a fun place to see animals but a fun place to be an animal yourself!

I turned into a very confused turtle.

Found myself high up in a hollowed tree trunk as a little bird.

And when I was completely wiped out from my day of monkey-ing around...

...I decided to chill out in a tree.
As I went around the zoo, I was completely enthralled by the simulated scenery and, I hope that someday I’ll get to go to the real thing and see these amazing animals in their absolute natural environment.
That’s all for now!
Love always,
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