Your pictures are so cute! I love the Confused turtle :] And sorry about your mouth, there will just have to be another cheesecake made.
There were a few things I wanted to tell you real quick. First: Guess what my dear mother brought home from the store late last night?
Yep, two whole boxes :] And I had a cup of it when I got home from school and it was just as delicious in my home as it was your.
I also switched seminary classes and am in a brand new one where I only know like... 2 people? So I have ample oppourtunity to make friends and start fresh.
Also, I keep chickening out of coming into your class because I don't know what's going on in there and the desks are all cattywompus. So someday when you guys are genuinely doing nothing, let me know. I have something for Mrs.Stowell.
In APLAC sometimes there are in class writing days when we will have either 1st or 3rd lunch instead of 2nd. On one of those days we should do a split lunch... and come up with something entirely new.
Story Time!!
It was a good thing that Labor day Monday was no school, because late into the wee hours of the morning did Jessica M. stay up finishing the absolute BEST book she has ever read in her entire existence.

It all began with a cash laden Jessica M. in the Salt Lake City airport and a lone little book store. Walking down the departure terminal, she spotted the small shop and curiostiy snuck in. Never having purchased a new book in her life (aside from the Little House on the Prarie series in 2nd grade) the idea was enthralling. Usually frugal, this would be a scandalous act.
She meandered her way around the loaded shelves, but alas, nothing grabbed her attention. Quickly loosing hope, and needing to get to her boarding wing, she glanced over the last row of books... But wait! Something caught her eye; A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khled Hosseini. She reconized the sister book, The Kite Runner, and remembered enjoying it.
So, stepping out on a limb, she took it to the check out counter and handed the cashier the $15 and some odd change the book cost (and swallowed the baby lump that had formed in her throat at spending money on this). But little did she know that this would be the best $15 and some odd change she would ever spend in her life. On the plane a third of the book was read. But as school started and her life picked up, it began gathering dust on the shelf. Until one night, when she picked it back up.
Long story short, she wouldn't put it down unfinished and after it was all through it took her 2 1/2 extra hours to fall asleep because it was that epic. She highly reccomends it to anybody who likes reading at all, no matter how little.
She loves this book because of the struggle and strife those poor women made it through, and how strong they were. And how good triumphs over evil always, even in the darkest places. And most of all, for the beautiful romance in the end :)
She also hopes that Sam has a great Thursday (because it is the best day of the week after all) and she will hopefully have a good thursday as well.
Love in the third person,
P.S she also wants to see how Sam's school picture turned out!
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