Time has flown by SOO ridiculously fast and I can't believe that neither of us have posted since before spring break!! Tons of life has happened but none of it has been chronicled :( So we must begin now! This post shall be a brief overveiw of Hawaii! Here are some of my favorite photo :) You can find all the rest
Here and

This was our tour guide at the Polynesian Cultural Center. His name was Sam :) Sam was a student at BYU Hawaii from a poor country in asia (I can't remember exactally which one right now,) and his accent was VERY thick and he had a teensy problem putting words together correctly. It was fine though, if you tried you could understand him decently. He is part of a program that lets him go to school all expenses paid if he a) works at the PCC and b) gets good grades and c) goes back to his native country after he has completed his studies and helps his country. It's a very good program that benefits a great deal of ethinic persons who come from poor situations and/or countries. He had a cheek lisp because of his native tounge, and he said "Yes" like a filler word; like we say like.

This picture was on a submarine at the Pearl Harbor National Memorial. It was called the Bowfin. We went on a tour of the inside and it was TINY! I cannot imagine cramming grown men into it, plunging into the deep and then staying there for months. Such closed quarters and claustrophobia... *shudder* The tour was hard enough!

Here, all of my siblings and I are standing atop the deck of the USS Missouri. Nicknamed "Mighty Mo," it was the last battleship built by the United States Navy. It toured the world, spending some time in Washington waters, before finally being steered back to a naval base on Ford Island near the USS Arizona Memorial. It is said that Mighty Mo is positioned so that it watches over the USS Arizona so that it can rest in peace, but far enough away to not take the focus off the memorial.

This is another picture of the PCC. Here a young, svelt, sexy shirtless male is nimbly bounding up a tree to retrieve a coconut. FUN FACT: in Samoa, the men do all of the cooking and cleaning and "house" work. This picture was from that Island of the Center.

The fact that you can get married in a gorgeous place like this for FREE, is amazing and super rad. Isn't it beautiful? It's less than a mile from the coast and if you walk up a smallish hill behind the temple you can see the coast and off into the horizon. I personally think that it would be really cool to get hitched there ;)

Me infront of the Pearl Harbor sign. It was taken for an APUSH Field trip assignment...

See those sexy sexy sexy sexy men dancing shirtless on that raft? They were EVERYWHERE!! :D It was so wonderful! And the best part is that they ALL attend BYU Hawaii. So if I went to that school, I would be around these hunks everyday :) SOO tempting. There was a night show that we went to and it was an HOUR AND A HALF of these strong, tan, shirtless men tribal dancing. Best 90 minutes of my life.

A really cool sign at the USS Missouri Battleship. It showed which direction a bunch of major cities in the world were.

A giant map was painted on the concrete at the Pearl Harbor Memorial. We all stood on it and pointed to where in the world we were.

Another one of the Lagoons. That day was a little grayer/stormier, but it was still beautiful. Around sunset.

My sister, me and Alex watching the river boat show. [can you guess what I was gazing at?]

There were four man made lagoons about 10 minutes [golf-carting] away from our town house. This was one of them around sunset. They were all perfect and beautiful. Clear blue water, soft sand, 80 degrees constant and it was direct sun and humid. Perfect.

A picture of the Town house that we stayed in on Oahu. It ended up being extremely cheaper than getting two hotel rooms for 8 days and there was a lot more room. We had a full kitchen which meant that we didn't eat out nearly at all. We shopped at Costco. We were the scrawniest, whitest, touristiest people in that Costco.

My sister, Mother and I all ready to go to church! We got knitted lais from the ward. That's what they give the tourists/ visitors. What a perfect way to mix LDS churchies and Hawaii. At least there wasn't any green Jell-o... ;)
Next up: I totally just forgot my next topic... No joke. When I remember, I'll post. :(
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